Bug #2663
open2 errs left: + duplicates flagged: Project 73 (Mountain Bogs): 64 plots
this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
imported original entry tool to a version 2.1.0 entry tool.
preformed error checking: 141 errors (ouch!)
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Species issues on this project, as new species were added for "sp." issues: Sphagnum, Rubus
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
There is a readme file on Bioark in the folder for this project that says this:
18 are because of plots that have no trees: 123 remain.
073-09-0014 had T stratum with nothing in it, removed "T" from header
also had no intensive module list, updated to "1"
073-09-0015 lacked depth onherb form, but was on plot form as 5, so I fixed it
also updated intensive module list to "1"
073-09-0017 had no module values in trees, b/c only one mod plot, filled in as 1.
now 72 errors!
073-09-0009 had depth and ares of 100: copied 5 and 1 from plot form.
9-11 had hidden stratum headers that were errors.
9-16, 9-39, 9-55, 9-56, 9-62, 9-65 all lack plot-subsapling and plot-subtree values.
9-62 and 9-39 lacked plot size on tree form, copied from plot dat aform.
073-09-0044, 9-45, 9-64 filled in 1 for module on stems.
073-09-0063 also, and fixed ares=5 on tree form.
073-09-0009 has Picea rubens w/ 0 cover in H stratum: fixed to null
same iwth 9-17, Betula sp., T stratum
copied depth of 5 from plot data on 073-09-0040
fixed stratum header on 073-09-0040 that was HSH, added ares.
copied plot size for trees for plot 073-09-0043 (size=1)
remaining errors:
073-09-0017 has no info about it.
plot sub sap or plot sub tree missing
no trees found on plot.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
last bit of the last comment should read:
remaining errors:
073-09-0017 has no info about >>a row on the stem form.<<
plot sub sap or plot sub tree missing for multiple plots
no trees found on plots.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
and possibly these should be checked:
9-16, 9-39, 9-55, 9-56, 9-62, 9-65 all lack plot-subsapling and plot-subtree
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
adding forbes and bob to cc.
Only things left on this project is to check a few plots for plot-level subsampling (doubtful that there are any). And one stem with no data about it: what do we do with these in general?
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
33 species duplicated on plots and 4 stems duplicated within a module.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Back to Brenda. She's adding more plots.
Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago
milestone revamping requires moving bugs to milestones that are in the future