



Bug #2732


Data Catalog Map is slow when selecting

Added by Callie Bowdish about 18 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

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The selection of the data packages using the KNB Data Catalog map is too slow. Data Sets can take anywhere from less than a minute to 10 minutes to open. We are getting mixed results but last time I did a search for the point that represents data set nceas.279.1 (Horvitz C. . Calathea ovandensis demography data. nceas.279.1 at Laguna Encantada, a volcanic crater lake in the Municipio of San Andres Tuxtla, in the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz. MEXICO. Rainfall Seasonal. West: -95.2 North 18.3) it took 10 minutes. Even though I clicked on the one data set point it brought up 392 data packages.

I think there are two issues and another consideration. One is the slow response time. The other is that the bounding coordinates of many data packages cover a large area. There is much overlap of the bounding coordinates "dataset bounds". Another caution regarding this approach is that in general we are having problems with a search when more than one person is searching for a data package.

If we have a group using this feature, it would probably bog down just like what happens when a group uses the search (the multiple hits problem that Sam reported experiencing at the last conference). Perhaps one individual would do more than one search or click on multiple times and have the same problem too.

I think it might be good if we could have an option of getting the one point reference OR the point reference and all of the bounding boxes that overlap with it. When the Google Earth KML file opens in Google Earth, each point has just one data package that opens when you select it. With the KNB Data Catalog Map, we can view only the Dataset Points, only the Dataset Bounds or Both. However when we select the dataset Points option and then use the "select multiple datasets" feature to select one point we get all of the datasets in that contain that boundary. Perhaps this is just a restriction that the Catalog Map has. Data Sets can take anywhere from less than a minute to 10 minutes to open, I tried different situations and could not make sence as to why some opened faster than others


Actions #1

Updated by Callie Bowdish almost 17 years ago

Changes were made so that the Spatial query of data packages must be fully contained by the selection bounding box in order to appear in the search results.

Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2732


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