Bug #2769
closedXPath Returnfields
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Metacat can't handle angle brackets in XPath parameters, if go to the following URL (which leads to the Kepler Repository):
It works fine. (The response of this URL is XML, but you need to "View Page Source" to see it.) But if I try to retrieve the karID by appending:
to the end of the URL, this return field gets ignored.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 18 years ago
We don't fully support XPath syntax. Maybe we need this feature as well, but its lower prioroty than other bugs and features.
Updated by David Sledge over 17 years ago
XPath syntax has been extended to allow predicates with the following limitations:
- if using a comparison, xpath expression must come before the equal sign and a string literal after (the predicate may contian an xpath expression by itself)
- '=' is the only comparison supported.
- no function calls in predicates
- supports multiple predicates, but not nested predicates
If any more enhancements are needed so that metacat comes closer to supporting the full XPath syntax, switching to an XQuery database should be considered.