Bug #280
closedprovide support for multiple UI styles in metacat
Metacat currently allows a mapping between one document type to a particular
stylesheet for HTML transformation. We want to be able to use the same metacat
instance for presenting multiple user interface perspecitves, like a KNB
interface, an NRS interface, and a OBFS interface.
Proposed solution: remove all references to XSL stylesheets from the
xml_catalog table, and instead provide this information in a series of metacat
configuration files, which I will call a "style set". Each style set will have a
name, and will specify the mapping between a particular document type and the
stylesheet that should be used to transform that type into HTML. It will also
provide a default style in case there isn't an exact match. The main
metacat.properties file will have a property that indicates which user interface
style is the default. In addition, the semantics of the qformat parameter to
metacat will be extended, so that the name of a style set can be provided in
qformat, and that name will then determine the set of style sheets to use.
This change will allow a single metacat instance to display mutiple user interfaces.
The style set configuration file might be something like this:
<style-set name="knb">
<stylesheet src="file://styles/dataset.xsl">
<stylesheet src="file://styles/access.xsl">
and would be found in a file named "knb.xml" in xmltodb/lib.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
This format doesn't support non-html transforms. In order for the target
doctype to also be specified, we could try something like:
<style-set name="knb">
<doctype publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-dataset-2.0//EN">
<target publicid="-//HTML//EN">file://styles/dataset.xsl</target>
<doctype publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-dataset//EN">
<target publicid="-//HTML//EN">file://styles/dataset.xsl</target>
<doctype publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-resource//EN">
<target publicid="-//HTML//EN">file://styles/dataset.xsl</target>
<doctype publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-access-2.0//EN">
<target publicid="-//HTML//EN">file://styles/access.xsl</target>
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Implemented. Need to update stylesheets to set the qformat parameter properly,
but otherwise this is finished.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Need to implement a "generic" stylesheet for the case when no specific one is
available. Otherwise, completed.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Added a new generic style sheet called "ascii-treeview.xsl" that can format any
XML document into an ascci-art tree for display. This is now used as the
default html transform in both knb.xml and nrs.xml when a more specific
transformation for a document type has not been provided. I also checked in a
'generic.xsl' stylesheet that tries to do the same thing but in a tabular form
-- it is not complete, but it is there if someone wants to work through the issues.