Bug #2827
closedPellaea wrightiana maps incorrectly; deeper problem revealed?
Something very strange is going on with Pellaea wrightiana, which could suggest deeper problems, perhaps related to cultivated status.
1) The full (initial) Pellaea wrightiana map shows the Alexander County
record in orange, which is strange given there are 3 NCU databased
specimens for Alexander County visible on the specimens tab. If you left
click on Alexander County you see four layers of data with NCU one of them. Clearly the color should be red and not orange.
2) There are two collections from Orange County, yet there is no color on
the map for Orange County, so these are missed altogether. Nonetheless,
if you left click on Orange County you see that there are collections and they are marked as cultivated. Moreover, if you turn off the "not reported as cultivated" tab you see the Orange County as red.
3) If you turn off the cultivated specimens the only change is to change
the Alexander County records from orange to red, which is strange because none of the Alexander County records is cultivated.
4) Looking at the unambigous layers available, there are two layers for
NCU and clicking or unclicking the first does nothing; only the second
matters. I have no idea why a second layer.
Updated by Robert Peet almost 18 years ago
Fixed, but I don't know how. Would be nice to know the source of the problem so as to know whether other related problems might still exist.