Bug #2853
closedDocumentation (where to save it; customization)
Kepler actors now have documentation stored in the kar files under a 'KeplerDocumentation' parameter. However, when you right click on the background of a workflow and select "Documentation/Customize', the documentation for a workflow get stored in the workflow moml under the property "DocAttribute" rather than the 'KeplerDocumentation'. This works fine for workflows but we have documentation in two different places.
Also, with actor documentation stored as a 'KeplerDocumentation' parameter, customizing the documentation (with the menu 'Documentation/Customize' no longer works! This is particularly a problem with customizing RExpression actors.
There is also the issue of what documentation is used in the repository.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 17 years ago
I have altered the ptII code so that if you have a documentationSpecializer defined in the config, the CustomizeDocumentationAction will look to it to get an editor for the documentation. I have not checked this change in yet. I now just need to create a new GUI for editing the kepler documentation.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 17 years ago
changes are now checked in. now need to create the actual dialog to edit the docs.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 17 years ago
This bug is now fixed. Kepler documentation can be edited and customized from the workflow.