Bug #2868
openupgrade taxonomy using TaxonOccurence Spreadsheet (aka Cover_ver4_withCBS)
Could be Weakley 06 or 07.
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 16 years ago
After migrating old archive database into the new one, Michael will use the TaxonOccurence Spreadsheet (aka Cover_ver4_withCBS) to upgrade taxonomy from what it was in the old database to new Weakley taxonomy. Matching old names may be tricky for projects 59 and 61, which were upgraded in the spreadsheet BEFORE SAS was completed.
Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago
in progress, version 1.1.4.H.
There are projects in this spreadsheet that are not yet in the database, so these will have to be stored and updated later.
Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago
progress on this bug is documented in this file:
Updated by Michael Lee almost 16 years ago
All projects through 61 have new interpretations, all pointing to something in our standard list, which is almost entirely Weakley 2006 (there are a few weird things). 2 plots (25-3-114 and 50-1-100) had no list of species in the excel spreadsheet, so these are not updated yet, but could be using the rules spreadsheet with a little more work.
There are still projects in this spreadsheet higher than project 61. These interpretations may be useful as we add in the new data, but it will be difficult to map the species, as updates have been made to the various entry tools after the spreadsheet was made. It also doesn't solve the data that will be collected later than now and will need pointing to the correct species/species aggregate in Weakley. A more generic solution needs to be created, probably with rules embedded in the entry tool or viewer or even archive to map species names correctly, depending on the taxonomic standard of each plot.
Updated by Michael Lee almost 16 years ago
the following ranks are implemented in the database:
Cultivar/Forma 5
Variety 10
composite variety 10.1
Subspecies 17
composite subspecies 17.1
Species 20
Species Aggregate 21
composite species 20.1
Section 30
Subgenus 37
Genus 40
composite genus 40.1
Subtribe 47
Tribe 50
Subfamily 57
Family 60
composite family 60.1
Suborder 68
Order 70
Subclass 78
Class 80
Division 90
Superdivision 92
Subkingdom 98
Kingdom 100
parents are identified for all species, as well, and additionally, the lowest rank of any direct children is specified. This assists in figuring out if a species has valid subspecies, etc.