Bug #2898
closedType only team, plot or just plot in SelectPlot field and it finds it
The picklist is full of the same information. Allow users just to type team-plot and it will figure out what you mean, limiting the list as the magic species picklists work. As soon as there is only one option, it should select that and move to that plot.
plot data, cover data, stem data, planted stem data: 4 forms.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
I think I can do this fairly quickly and would make navigating between plots much faster.
Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago
Works pretty well, but there is a slight hiccup in the plot data form that if no plot is current, it throws a weird access error. This is nicely trapped and the user is told to select it the old way.
The last plot viewed now shows up by default, making this a rare occurrence (the error).
Added documentation to firstTimeUser form and configuration in advanced options.