Bug #2906
openDBA: reports could be improved
Would be nice to allow printing of full plots for plots that have some issue (a check box somewhere on the DBA form, perhaps) which would then change criteria to plotID in (select plotID from [somewhere] WHERE (the criteria));
ordering by plotID in the reports is problematic: this is order they were entered, not logical order. Should be switched to PTP.
duplText is not highlighted any colour on the report, which is odd. Should be yellowish and errors pink to draw attention to these locations when there are errors or duplicate messages.
Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago
to print the full plot, if errors or duplicates are there, use this code:
dba_linkToCoverStemData (new case):
Case "full plot if plot has errs/dups"
strMessage = "Full plot if plot has any errors or duplicates on it."
strCrit = "plotID in (Select PlotsWithErrs.plotID from [entry_" & strCovStem & "] as PlotsWithErrs where nz(PlotsWithErrs.[duplicate],0)<>0 OR len(PlotsWithErrs.[errors])>0)"
If strCovStem = "stems" Then 'omit modules:
strCrit = "((module<>""R"") and plotID in (Select PlotsWithErrs.plotID from [entry_" & strCovStem & "] as PlotsWithErrs where PlotsWithErrs.module <> ""R"" AND (nz(PlotsWithErrs.[duplicate],0)<>0 OR len(PlotsWithErrs.[errors])>0)))"
End If
in dba_linkToCoverStemData()
Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago
Report Header needs to stretched down so that info still appears about cover module/corner. DuplText just needs to have colored background.
Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago
Might be nice to suppress notes unless there is error/duplicate.
Updated by Michael Lee about 17 years ago
Most of this is resolved as of version:
- ordering by plotID in the reports is problematic: this is order they were
entered, not logical order. Should be switched to PTP.
- Report Header needs to stretched down so that info still appears about cover
module/corner. (workaround in place, extra space there)
- Might be nice to suppress notes unless there is error/duplicate.