Bug #2927
closedUpon file update, return to Metadata page (updated with new Doc Id)
After update button is pressed, return to the metadata page. Update the XSLT DOC ID parameter with new Doc Id (new version). Should display updated doc Id's.
Updated by Chris Barteau over 17 years ago
Additionaly, this functionality is included for deletes of data documents and metadata documents. When I file is updated, the user is returned to the same form with refreshed data (i.e. new Document version numbers). Similarly, when a file is deleted (from the database and metadata file) the same form is redisplayed with the deleted file gone, and the metafile has a new version number. If the metadata file itself is deleted, the user is sent to a confirmation.jspx page which displays a message. This is acheived using the http request "sendRedirect" method. Affected files include: ClientView.java, ClientViewBeanInfo.java, ClientViewHelper.java, ClientFgdcHelper.java, confirm.jspx, ClientViewHelper.jspx, and fgdc_1.xsl