Bug #2971
closedMetacat Skins test report
Here are some problems happened in different skins
1) In obfs,ltss, nrs and specnet skins, there is no logout mechanism after login. It is not convenient to switch to another user.
2) In obfs, ltss, nrs and specnet skins, after clicking "Register new data set", a login form will be shown. However, after login, in stead of showing the entry form, a login success message in xml format will be shown. User has to use back button to go to home page and click "register new data set" link again to get the entry form.
Here are some issues for specific skin:
1) Editor button doesn't work.
2) If user attaches a data file to entry form, the submission will fail.
3) Background is too dark to read some information after an action is done.
1). After clicking "Create a new account", "forget your password" or "reset your password" button, a knb styled html page with those forms (sometimes the form is not completed) will be appended to default home page. The display looks weird.
1) There is a empty bullet between "Register new UCNRS data set" and "View Interactive Map"
1) login button has hard code link - localhost:8084
1) After clicking "Search" or "Browse All" button in the home page, some debug messages will be shown as message box.
2) After login, clicking "Reset your password" or "Change your password" link will cause error that page couldn't be found.
3) Data package upload function hasn't been tested.
1) None of link works
Updated by Jing Tao over 17 years ago
After Shaun's new check-in, I test obfs,ltss, nrs and specnet skins. After login, the page can be redirected to entry form now.
Updated by Jing Tao over 17 years ago
Fixed the bug of default skin - clicking create new account, the new page will just show in the frame. Adding a target="_top" in the link fixed the problem.