Bug #3058
closedGeneralize the reading of skin.configs in DBTransform
Generalize the reading of skin.configs to read any property within a skin config property file and pass them all as parameters in a transformation (using DBTransfrom.java). Currently it is hardcoded to read/pass only 3: registryurl, registryname, and lsidauthority.
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder about 17 years ago
Another part of this should involve removing/migrating the special skin.configs directories/properties files and including them in the actual lib/style/skins/* directory of the individual skins that wish to utilize these extra properties. Currently there are too many different places for "skin-specific properties" to be set.
Updated by Chris Barteau about 17 years ago
Bens comment #2 regarding migrating files around to other locations may be true, but warrant further discussion as to what should be migrated where and is a separate issue at to what is addressed by this bug. This bug is specific to what parameters are passed to XSL transformations rather than file location.