Bug #3277
closedCreate reusable jython-based SelectionDialog actor to collect runtime parameters
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Dan (Higgins) did a prototype of this use of the PythonScript actor to create Swing interfaces for displaying drop down lists and then sending the selected value out on a port.
This will be a useful feature when workflows need to provide data-driven parameters (select date ranges or sites from a list of possible values).
The prototype SelectionDialog actor I have drafted so far includes the following ports:
"choices" (list)
"prompt" (message for prompt as a string)
output (the value selected)
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
SelectionDialog actor has been added to Kepler trunk
Need to rebuild kar lib in order to see the new actor.
Note that the returned selected value is a String...this may need to be revisited so that numbers or booleans are returned when applicable