Bug #3345
closedsearching produces wrong and inconsistent results
When searching locally for a data package from the search dialog, I get inconsistent results. In my morpho I have 2 assessments, one with title 'Midterm 1' and one with title 'Midterm 3'. When I search, I get odd results:
Search term Search results/ expected results
----------- -------------
blank Both packages returned/ both
'Midterm 1' 0 results/ one package
'Midterm 3' 0 results/ one package
'Midterm' 0 results /both
'M' Both packages returned/ both
To fix this, actual results should match expected.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
turns out we aren't searching element attributes.
the Assessment Title is currently stored in assessment/@title (i.e. <assessment title="Midterm 1" />)
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
changed the EDML schema to use elements rather than attributes. Now the search will work as expected