Bug #3347
closedinvalid date string causes metacat upload error
I created an EdML package in morpho, and saved it locally. On trying to 'File|Synchronize...' it with Metacat, I got an error dialog saying there was an ID conflict:
I never connected with this metacat, so the ID conflict is unlikely. Looking at the log, I saw a validation error on insert:
MetacatUpload Exception in EdMLDataPackage!
cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.2: '4/2/2008' is not a valid value of list type 'yearDate'.
It appears the date string wasn't ISO 8601 compliant, causing validation errors. By modifying the data string (to '2008-04-02') and then saving the package, it successfully saved both locally and to metacat.
So, I think the ID conflict dialog box was a red herring. It seems that we are catching errors too broadly from metacat. Only true ID conflicts should bring up that error.
Updated by Matt Jones over 16 years ago
The ID conflict starts with the text 'A conflict has been found in one or more of the identifiers in your package. It is possible that you or someone else made a chage '... The dialog gives options of 'Cancel', 'No', and 'Yes' to the question 'Are you sure you want to proceed with the upload?'
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
there is now local validation being performed during a local save - warnings will be displayed and the save continues when the warning is dismissed. but this does not address the issue of broad error detection when dealing with metacat (though hopefully it will help minimize errors!)
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
we've also added date selection widgets to help enter date strings in the correct format