Bug #3701
closedMetacat will reject updated eml210 document if there is not rev 1 on it.
Hi, Mike:
I have some issue in saving eml to metacat 1.9.0 release candidate. If i work a eml on morpho, see i created tao.12566.1 and saved it locally. Then I
modified it a little bit and tried to save them as tao.12566.2. Unfortunatley, I go the error in metacat:
Error in writing eml document to the databaseDocument not found for Accession number tao.12566 [edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.MetaCatServlet]
edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.AccessionNumberException: Document not found for Accession number tao.12566.
I used the online eml parser to check the if tao.12566.2 is valid or not. The result shows it is a valid eml document.
I tried to use knb/style/skins/dev/devtool.html to update tao.12566.2 and got the same error. However, if i changed to insert action and gave it new id
tao.15.1, then the inserting worked even the eml doc is same.
This means if metacat doesn't have a docid, e.g, tao.12566.1, and you try to update a document tao.12566.2, it will fail. This is not convenient, since
user may work couple version locally, then save to metacat. Do you think we need to fix this issue?
I think metacat 1.8 doesn't have this behavior, but I not sure.