Bug #3827
closedUser is prompted to deal with Vector graphics on ignored pages
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When pages of a PDF have been marked as "Ignore Page" the parser still prompts the user to draw bounding boxes around the desired vector graphics.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 16 years ago
Used doc10.pdf as a test - was asked to identify images on page 3 even after ignoring it
Updated by Ryan McFall about 16 years ago
This definitely shouldn't happen and needs to be fixed before the alpha-3 release.
Updated by Ryan McFall about 16 years ago
Should be fixed now. The page where ignoring pages and portions of text now checks the status of ignored pages and toggles next/finish button state based on whether any non-ignored pages contain vector images. The VectorImageRasterization page now looks at ignored pages and does not add them to the list as appropriate.