



Bug #3876


data download format in CSV file

Added by Jay Lee almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 16 years ago.

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Mark here on Jay's account as I don't seem to have a bugzilla ID....

Downloaded CSV files from the datacart are not rectangular, they are normalized. We discussed this several times. Faculty need a rectangular dataset even though it offends database sensibilities.


first_pivot_sample.csv (1.11 KB) first_pivot_sample.csv ben leinfelder, 03/23/2009 06:19 PM
query-results(59).csv (555 Bytes) query-results(59).csv ben leinfelder, 04/01/2009 11:19 AM
query-results(64).csv (581 Bytes) query-results(64).csv ben leinfelder, 04/02/2009 09:08 AM
query-results(77).csv (3.55 KB) query-results(77).csv ben leinfelder, 04/02/2009 05:51 PM
query-results(80).csv (575 Bytes) query-results(80).csv ben leinfelder, 04/02/2009 05:53 PM
Actions #1

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

i very much thought we had agreed that the data would be returned as one table so that users would not have to join different tables on their own.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones almost 16 years ago

That was my understanding as well. I'm perplexed about what problem this bug actually expresses.

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

added a new "pivot" option when downloading data.
the dataset can now be returned with questions and metadata for each question as a separate column rather than a row.

Actions #4

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

csv sample for a single student taking an exam with three questions.

Actions #5

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

This is an actual file downloaded from my local system.
It is a single-question exam taken by 11 students. No response data was captured, only scores.
Notice that the vocab/value is in a single column - this is different from what we had decided on at the last meeting, but I believe it is the last outstanding item to address for this data return format.

Actions #6

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

I've split the vocab/value into two columns (nbii | Biopolymers) as agreed on last week.

Actions #7

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

without the "transponse" box checked

Actions #8

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

with the "transpose" box checked

Actions #9

Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago

addressed the comments from today's meeting:
-html is stripped out for both return formats
-studentIds are changed to sequential numbers
-studentId column labels are relabeled "recordNum"
-duplicate true/false values for the metadata matrix are omitted

Actions #10

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 3876


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