Bug #3881
closedReplication not working between KNB and LTER metacats
After the 1.9.0 upgrade on knb and lter, docs are not replicating from knb to lter. Jing is working with Duane C to resolve this issue.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago
LTER changed the host name of metacat. But the certificate and the host name in knb xml_replication has not been updated. We think this is the reason why replication failed. We are waiting to restart tomcat after changing certificate which Duane just created today.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago
After getting the new certificate issued for metacat.lternet.edu and change the server to metacat.lternet.edu:8443/knb/metacat/servlet/replication in knb xml_replication, tomcat of knb was restarted.
I used morpho to insert an new eml 210 doc, then the doc can be searched and read in both knb and lter. I deleted the doc in knb and lter one was gone too.
So i think the replication is working now.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago
Got email from Duane and the replication seemed working.