Bug #4043
closedlack of eml-access tree prohibits the doc owner from viewing
This might be a question, rather than a bug.
This document was added to metacat v1.9.0 (at lter): sbc_eml210_test.1.1
It is a citation doc with no access tree. It was put in (and I assume owned by) either user=sbc or user=mobrien. Sorry, I can't tell you which user uploaded it.
I logged in as the user who is also the owner and tried to view the document (I tried this as both sbc and mobrien). I get the message that "user public does not have permission to view this doc"
Is this behavior planned? I know that the lack of an <access> tree means that the doc is not publicly accessible, but it seems like metacat should let the owner view the document after logging in.
Since the doc is small, I am including it here:
<eml:eml xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.0 eml.xsd"
<citation id="sbc_eml210_test.1">
<alternateIdentifier system="sbclter-bibliography">1</alternateIdentifier>
<title>The use of diatoms as indicators for water quality in streams and wetlands</title>
<creator scope="document">
<conferenceName>Water Quality Meeting</conferenceName>
<deliveryPoint>University of California</deliveryPoint>
<city>Santa Barbara</city>
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
uid=sbc,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org is the owner and should have ALL permission on this object. As the metacat admin, I can login and see the document on the KNB so we know it's there, at least.