Bug #4066
closedAllow legacy LSIDs to be parsed, but not serialized
After shifting to a non-IBM implementation of LSIDs, a few workflows were encountered that had actors using dots (.) as delimiters between the objectId and revision:
<property name="entityId" class="org.kepler.moml.NamedObjId" value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.251.1"></property>
Rather than completely disallowing this, we should be able to parse the old format, but only write the new format (using only colons (:) to delimit all 6 elements of the LSID.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
Example XML snippet was from a kruger TPC workflow that had an ImageJ actor (probably from a while back) in the workflow. The current ImageJ actor component uses the correct LSID form, and also kepler-project.org as the authority.
Updated by Aaron Aaron almost 16 years ago
I've added a kludge to the KeplerLSID class that accepts urn:lsid:<authority>:<namespace>.<object>.<revision>#<anchor> formatted LSIDs and converts them to urn:lsid:<authority>:<namespace>:<object>:<revision>#<anchor>