Bug #4238
closedReport Designer - Improve the listeners for the static items.
Right now there is a mouse listener that takes the values from the section static report item field and puts it into the model. Because of this, unless you click the mouse outside of the section field or text field before dragging another static report item onto the report, sometimes the text value will not be in the model, and so when the view is re-rendered, the text will disappear. Usually this does not happen since for the most part the user clicks somewhere before dragging over the next item. But it is happening if the user has typed in some text and not clicked on anything else yet. The model gets out of sync with the view, and text fields are not rendered correctly. The work around right now is to click anywhere in the report designer after you drop a panel, or make changes to it, this ensures that the model is updated.
Updated by debi staggs over 15 years ago
Improved the listeners here, seems to be working well, but could always use more testing.