Bug #4448
closedKAREntry dependencies should be observed during KAR Cacheing
The lsid dependency mechanism for KAREntries was implemented for opening items from a KAR in the proper order (so a workflow was opened before a Report, which was dependent on the workflow). The cacheing of KAREntries did not have this dependency mechanism and assumed that CacheObjects would be returned properly from the KAREntryHandler regardless of any dependencies. The Reporting module has broken this and we now have a need to insert KAR entries into the cache in the proper order. So a Workflow must go into the cache before a cache object for a report can be returned from the KAREntryHandler. There is a bit of reworking to do on this to get it working properly.
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 15 years ago
Turns out the reporting module did not break this as I had assumed previously. It is a good idea to implement this anyway though. One would assume that the cacheing mechanism would observe the dependencies just as the opening mechanism does now.
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 15 years ago
KAR lsid dependencies are now observed during cacheing of KAR contents.