Bug #4618
closedFirst export of a run doesn't yield KAR with ROML
I've introduce a bug in r22148:
For the case where no report is made: the first export of a run doesn't put a ROML in the kar, and subsequent exports get a ROML and a RIO. For this scenario you previously got ROMLs and no RIOs each time (which seems right).
Updated by Derik Barseghian over 15 years ago
r22150 should fix this, but I want to test it a bit more.
One oddity currently is that if you export a run, export it again to a second kar, then tag the run and export to a third kar, the serialized workflowRun entityIds in kar2 and kar3 are the same. I think they should be different.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 15 years ago
Would you just bump the run revision (entityId)? But then wouldn't that mean it's a different "run" rather than the same run with a new tag?
I found that if I don't layout a report (blank) I still get a ROML and a RIO for that run export. I think this should not happen for blank report layouts - fixed that.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 15 years ago
in the name of upcoming code freeze, I'm thinking this can be closed.