Bug #4697
closedSemantic Annotation does not increment LSID revision
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If user gives a semantic annotation during Save Archive in ExportArchiveAction (see FIXME), I notice the LSID doesn't get bumped. Not sure if this causes any problems currently, but it seems bad.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 15 years ago
This is more general. Semantically annotating a workflow does not increment the workflow's lsid revision.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 15 years ago
Also, if you save a workflow, then semantically annotate it, then close the workflow, you're not prompted to save changes.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 15 years ago
r22914 updates revision for semantic annotation done via Semantic Type Annotation menu. Need to do this in Tagging module now too.
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 15 years ago
works for workflow tagging with Tagging UI in r22915.
Still need to updateRevision for semantically annotating ports.