Bug #4905
iTunes-inspired search UI
Added by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago.
Updated almost 15 years ago.
Compound search should be more flexible and allow 2-levels of any/all grouping.
Example query that should be expressible:
Entity is Vertegrate
Entity is not Amphibian
Characteristic is Length
Entity is Vertebrate
Entity is not Mammal
Characteristic is SkullWidth
Measurement is AmmoniumConcentration
x is y
y is z
-The UI (first draft?) is completed.
-The underlying search capabilities are not hooked up (no query is actually performed yet).
-The SMS API needs to be augmented to handle compound search criteria
Another TODO in the UI:
-Context relationship triples need to be added to the UI. The thought is that they will show up just like the three picklists that are used for the other annotation classes - but their content will be different. I'm not sure how this will actually work, however.
The criteria are now actually driving the query.
I'm not happy with how there's a slight dependency on the morpho configuration to make this work - i'd like to do some additional refactoring to remove the dependency.
The UI also seems a bit unstable. A few times I've noticed buttons not rendering until i resize the screen slightly. Does not bode well. I wish the cellRendering stuff in java were clearer.
Good news:
-there's now no dependency on Morpho for the AnnotationManager to query correctly.
-the row heights are maintaining their size to render the criteria as they should
-not getting index out of bounds exceptions from the table model now that I'm calling fireEditingStopped() before changing the model...
Bad news:
-re-opening the search window with an existing search shows the main table/criteria, but not the title/description text at the top of the window, the add/delete buttons on the right, the Ok/Cancel buttons on the bottom and the Match All check box on the left. If you resize the window (or click on where the buttons would be) then the buttons show up. Again - this points to some odd rendering issues.
-i notice that if you keep the window open for a long time, the cpu usage for morpho creeps up...
Hey, this is all done now!
Original Bugzilla ID was 4905
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