



Bug #4923


'Lock' the report layout so that if you switch to another run in the run manager, it doesn't lose the layout that is currently being edited.

Added by debi staggs almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

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Add a 'LockEditMode' toggle button as a solution to the following problem:
Currently, if the user makes changes to the report layout, and does not run the report after those changes, or has not saved it to a KAR file -- if they click on a row in the workflow run manager, then they will lose the current report layout that they have been working on. The 'lock edit mode toggle button' sets a flag so that whenever they click on a row in the run manager, (but have not run or saved yet) it does not switch to the report layout previously associated with the workflow but keeps the current report layout that they have just created - as long as the button is toggled to the locked position. Might change this button to read 'lock current layout'.. or something a little more specific.

Actions #1

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

This button isn't working for me. I've tried clicking on a run row with the button in either state, and the old report design comes up. Does it work for you Debi?

I also can't tell which gui state of the button represents locked and which represents unlocked. If the depicted lock could change between being open and locked, that would be more clear to me. Otherwise I'd just go with a check-box.

Actions #2

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

I'm just now working on it, will let you know when it's ready to test. The button changes to blue when depressed. Could change the lock or make it a checkbox either way is fine. Do you prefer the checkbox ?

Actions #3

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago

Which ever is easier, so long as it's apparent which state is locked and which is unlocked. On my 10.5 mac, the button changes between being light gray to darker gray when I click on it...

Actions #4

Updated by debi staggs almost 15 years ago

The lock report feature is now in and working. Also added a warning if they click on a row in the workflow run manager and the report has not been run or saved, and is not locked. Additionally, they have the ability to turn that warning off if they want.

Actions #5

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4923


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