Bug #5321
closedsensor settings made by kepler user lost on SPAN restart
To start SPAN you
generate a config file from a CRBasic program:
./cr_parser.py conf/sq110_and_bps.CR8 span.cfg
and then start SPAN using it:
./cr1k_d CR800 span.cfg
./dcd_mgr span.cfg
Currently SPAN crashes periodically, requiring restart. Even if that weren't the case, we still need to function smoothly when the gumstix power cycles (thus restarting SPAN). If a user makes sensor changes via Kepler, and then SPAN is restarted, since the CRBasic program is never updated, the user sensor settings are lost.
Possible solutions, neither of which are currently supported afaik, seem to be:
1) download from the logger the CRBasic program whenever changes are made, thus keeping it in sync.
2) simply start SPAN without overwriting existing settings on the logger, e.g. with a mostly blank config.
Related issues
Updated by Daniel Crawl almost 14 years ago
SPAN now updates the config file to reflect changes made from control port.