Bug #5452
closeduneasy access to the demo workflows
I´ve tried to work down the getting started guide step by step, but had some trouble to get the described demo (e.g Lotka-Volterra).
What happens here was:
Kepler has its workflow repository in
to which an File->Open is associated by default.
My desktop search(a additional step for a beginner) was not able to find "Lotka"->but that is primary not your problem.
A search for "demos" shows me two different folders in kepler that named so.
The one in outreach is the right one.
It would be easier to a user to get the demo folder copied in the standard workflow folder(/home/user/KeplerData/workflows/MyWorkflows) to see it directly when choosing File->Open.
It´s not heavy work for a user, but keep in mind that all beginning in a new thing is time intensive and the number of user decrease rapidly as much as they need time to get there first success.
Updated by unknown unknown over 13 years ago
openSUSE11.4 kernel3.0 64bit
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 12 years ago
The demos are now accessible in the actor tree. I've updated the getting started guide to describe opening them from the actor tree instead of navigating to their directory using the file dialog.