Bug #5595
closedGetMetadata Menu doesn't work in eml actor when it handles local eml document and data file
Here is a segment of an eml from a kepler user:
But another thing that would be nice does not work even with this valid eml
from you.
There is an option when I right klick on the eml2dataset actor "get metadata"
which normally should display the metadata as morpho does for example. Any
ideas about that? When I use this option the following happens.
In the first time it does nothing when i klick on that menu point. When I
klick on it a second time kepler throws an error. The last lines were:
[null] version = 2.3
[null] getNamespace - NAMESPACE attr is null.
[null] Exception in thread "MetaData null" java.lang.NullPointerException
[null] at
[null] at
[null] at
[null] at
[null] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
[null] version = 2.3
[null] 478 ms. Memory: 323264K Free: 49248K (15%)
[null] 600 ms. Memory: 333568K Free: 190730K (57%)
This is reproducable. Klick once nothing happens. Do it the second time and
Kepler throws the error above and freezes the UI.
Best regards Claas
I can reproduce this bug as well.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 13 years ago
I dug around and found the menu is controlled by this:
<name>ACTOR->Get Metadata</name>
in gui/resources/configurations/uiContextMenuMappings_en_US.xml
I remember it was controlled by this factory in Eml200DataSource.java:
// Create a node controller to control the context menu
_nodeController = new DataSourceControllerFactory(this,
Updated by Jing Tao almost 13 years ago
The getFullRecord method in ResultRecord didn't handle the local file. I added code to handle local file and it works.