Bug #5597
closedeml xsl templates incomplete
Some xslt templates for eml transform to html are incomplete in metacat 2.0.0 (on lava).
Attached are two screenshots showing how the link to a protocol document within methods disappears, as compared to Chris Jones and Margaret's stylesheets. The example docId is knb-lter-mcr.10.29
I looked at lava.lternet.edu so if there is a more recent version, just refer me to that and I'll re-test.
Also see knb-lter-mcr.5005.3 for an example where a ulink within an abstract does not transform to an a href link. Also in that example the abstract gets truncated. Also the methodStep paragraphs get truncated.
Also in knb-lter-mcr.5005.3 the enumerated domain display is empty. Note that both these docs look fine using the xslt at MCR, SBC, VCR or even the current LTER skin for metacat 1.9.5 at LNO. (Although that xslt does not handle the ulink.)
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
changing version to 2.0.0, though this will require modifications to the EML project if we alter the default XSLTs
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
included in default EML stylesheets for Metacat 2.0.0 RC2