Bug #5608
openEnable all FK constraints in Metacat production [copies]
Looks like the FK constraints have been removed from the production knb database.
select conname, contype, conkey, confkey from pg_constraint;
Need to see what FKs are no long satisfied and potentially fix them as best we can so that the constraints can be re enabled.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
14.4.9. Some Notes About pg_dump:
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
The errors encountered were....
ALTER TABLE xml_documents ADD
CONSTRAINT xml_documents_rep_fk
FOREIGN KEY (server_location) REFERENCES xml_replication;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_documents" violates foreign key constraint "xml_documents_rep_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (server_location)=(5) is not present in table "xml_replication".
ALTER TABLE xml_revisions ADD
CONSTRAINT xml_revisions_rep_fk
FOREIGN KEY (server_location) REFERENCES xml_replication;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_revisions" violates foreign key constraint "xml_revisions_rep_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (server_location)=(-2) is not present in table "xml_replication".
ALTER TABLE xml_revisions ADD
CONSTRAINT xml_revisions_catalog_fk
FOREIGN KEY (catalog_id) REFERENCES xml_catalog;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_revisions" violates foreign key constraint "xml_revisions_catalog_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (catalog_id)=(27) is not present in table "xml_catalog".
CONSTRAINT xml_index_nodeid_fk FOREIGN KEY (nodeid) REFERENCES xml_nodes;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_index" violates foreign key constraint "xml_index_nodeid_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (nodeid)=(471661167) is not present in table "xml_nodes".
CONSTRAINT xml_index_docid_fk
FOREIGN KEY (docid) REFERENCES xml_documents;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_index" violates foreign key constraint "xml_index_docid_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (docid)=(MV.7) is not present in table "xml_documents".
ALTER TABLE xml_path_index ADD
CONSTRAINT xml_path_index_docid_fk
FOREIGN KEY (docid) REFERENCES xml_documents;
--ERROR: insert or update on table "xml_path_index" violates foreign key constraint "xml_path_index_docid_fk"
--DETAIL: Key (docid)=(MV.7) is not present in table "xml_documents".
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
For the index errors we can safely delete the index records in violation of the constraint and apply it.
For the server_ids, 2 and 5 we perhaps should add placeholders for them in xml_replication - who knows where they came from.
For the xml_catalog 27, we should check what the doctype might be and choose accordingly - either add a record or update the xml_documents entry.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
catalog_id = 27 is a "-//ecoinformatics.org//eml-software-2.0.0beta5//EN" doctype with docid=jdoe.23.1
We have that entry as catalog_id = 41, though we may want to use a relative path (no server) for the location:
41 | DTD | null | null | -//ecoinformatics.org//eml-software-2.0.0beta5//EN | http://metacat.nceas.ucsb.edu/knb/dtd/eml-software-2.0.0.beta5e.dtd
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
the server_location=5 docs are 'seabloom' and 'borer' prefixes:
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 13 years ago
The server_location = -2 docs are a mismash:
docid | rev
SHS15X_015MHP2009R00_20110516.50 | 1
knb-lter-gce.292 | 17
knb-lter-bnz.89 | 10
knb-lter-gce.95 | 28
knb-lter-bes.439 | 47
knb-lter-bes.493 | 47
knb-lter-gce.40 | 37
knb-lter-gce.91 | 16
knb-lter-bes.559 | 47
knb-lter-gce.114 | 16
knb-lter-gce.288 | 17
knb-lter-gce.184 | 26
knb-lter-gce.90 | 16
knb-lter-gce.93 | 37
knb-lter-gce.220 | 27
knb-lter-bes.344 | 44
CMRX00_XXXIBTNXMBR12_20110626.40 | 1
knb-lter-gce.206 | 17
SHLX00_XXXIBTNXMBR21_20110509.40 | 1
knb-lter-gce.285 | 17
knb-lter-bes.503 | 47
knb-lter-gce.92 | 38
knb-lter-bes.165 | 47
RKPX00_XXXITV2XLSR02_20101010.50 | 2
knb-lter-bes.499 | 46
GHVX00_XXXITV2XHSR01_20110320.50 | 1
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
I've drafted a script that corrects FK violations and re-applies the original constraints. The xml_index table takes quite a long time to process (5 hours and counting as of right now for the reference to docid in xml_documents).