Bug #563
closedusing xs:ID for id and packageId requires alpha character
It appears that all id's (id and packageId) must contain an alphabetic character
because we have defined them as xs:ID. We might want to consider redefining
them as xs:string because of this limitation, and just rely on the key for
uniqueness. This would mean that in DTD enviroments we wouldn't be able to
establish uniqueness of the keys, but we seem to be moving away from DTD support
anyways so I think we should probably make this change.
As an example:
This validates: <eml packageId="X123">
This does not validate: <eml packageId="123">
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
Changed xs:ID to xs:string in all schema files. This allows numeric values for
the id values. The only down side of this is that we nbo longer can guarantee
unique id values if using an XML1.0 DTD parser. But we still can guarantee
unique id values using an XML Schema parser because of the "key" we created in
If there are no comments on this bug, I'll mark it as FIXED in a couple of days.
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
No comments have surfaced on the change from xs:ID to xs:string for the
datatypes of our id attributes, so I am marking this bug as FIXED. Now we
completely rely on the XML Schema "key" element to maintain uniqueness of the ids.