Bug #5825
closedCall CN.setReplicationPolicy() when editing replication policy
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This should act the same as the access policy edits. For network packages, we call the CN.setReplicationPolicy() and only save the SM locally if that was successful. Otherwise we tell the user to wait for the CN to synch with the MN.
If the package is local-only, then we can just save the SM locally.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
Now calling the CN for changes to the EML ReplicationPolicy. Note that Morpho calls the CN first to retrieve the latest serialVersion of the SM in order to make a successful call, but it does not do any other sort of merging of the two versions (local/cn) of SystemMetadata.ReplicationPolicy.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
Now doing the same for data objects.