Bug #5856
closedMorpho says that the network access policy has been set successfully, but actually it didn't
I opened a network data package(network only) and add a new rule from the Documentation|Access Information menu.
The conformation said "Successfully set Access Policy for tao.2013021116491509051". If i clicked the Documentation|Access, i can see the the rules.
However, if i close the data package and open it again. Now i can't see the rule after i clicks Documentation|Access Information. I read the system metadata by the browser. There is no the new rule I added.
For the local data package, the setting of the access policy works.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
Are you checking the access rules on the CN or the MN? Updates to the access policy are made to the CN for packages that are saved to the network.
Updated by Jing Tao about 12 years ago
Good question. I checked the access policy on the MN. I just checked the cn. The data package identifier doesn't exist at all.
My cn url is https://cn.dataone.org/cn and my mn url is https://mn-demo-5.test.dataone.org/knb/d1/mn
I don't think the mn is part of this cn. So the change the access policy should fail. But morpho says it succeeded.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
I tried this with the same set-up you describe, but get an error message about the object not being on the CN (as expected):
urn:uuid:6bdb98da-907f-4e8c-9480-a69c79fc4ba8 not found on the Coordinating Node. Cannot set Access Policy until it has been synchronized. Please try again later.
What could the difference be between our set-ups?
Updated by Jing Tao about 12 years ago
I just created a package by the new data package wizard and saved it to the network. Then I added a new rule and it said:
Successfully set Access Policy for tao.2013021216283490594
in preference dialog, it shows:
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
The boolean operation when calling local vs. network was short circuiting when it was network-only and not even calling the network method. No exception was thrown and the return status wasn't being checked (nor was it correct).
Fixed all of this for both access policy and replication policy.