Bug #5861
closedLocal delete doesn't delete the file storing the system metadata
The delete of local data package does delete the package itself. But it doesn't delete the stored system metadata file.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago
I think it's safe to remove the SystemMetadata file as well. We should not, however, delete any referenced data files since they might be included in other packages (I know making a duplicate of an EML package will preserve the reference to the same data).
Updated by Jing Tao about 12 years ago
yeah. we should keep the data file. Actually, the delete doesn't remove the data file.
However, I think we should remove the ore document and its system metadata because the metadata (eml) in the ore doesn't exist any more.
By the way, i believe the only way we can figure out the id of an ore document is "resourceMap_"+metadata id.
Updated by Jing Tao about 12 years ago
Now morpho will delete both the metadata (including the associated system metadata) and the ore document(including the associated system metadata) if it exists.