Bug #5896
closedGet an error when user save a data package to net and local by using DOI
matt: However, I just changed the data package, and tried to save to net and local again with a DOI, and I got this error:
[10:56am] matt: "Morpho couldn't find the source data file doi:10.5072/FK22F7WKT in any location (the temp, incomplete, data directories and the network) for copying"
[10:57am] benMac: that's no good. Jing - have you had problems with this before?
[10:57am] matt: and then the data isn't showing up in the morpho window any longer
[10:58am] matt: also, the newly saved data package didn't replace the original, so now the same data package is listed twice in my open dialog.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
In the local saving, I changed to use the D1Object.getDataSource().getOutputStream() to get the bytes rather than looking up a file by the identifier. This can avoid some issues in the identifiers changing.