Task #5909
closedFeature #5810: Implement SOLR-based search
Design configuration for metacat-index
The location of the solr index needs to be configured and the default should be: /var/metacat/solr
All three components need to know about this location (metacat-index and Metacat will both be using the Embedded Solr client and SOLR needs to know where its index is.
Additionally, the metacat-index project needs to know what the Hazelcast client connection properties are so that it can listen to events on those shared structures.
We may also want metacat-index to have direct read-only access to the Metacat DB in which case we would want it to have access to the metacat.properties file.
I think the easiest thing to do is to configure everything in metacat.properties and then point the components to metacat.properties to read the values it needs.
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Now sharing metacat.properties using the Settings class from DataONE libclient.
Also sharing the hazelcast.xml file used by Metacat.
If need be, both of these can be pointed two in a remove metacat-index instance (different server) if we include a new XXX.properties bundle and load it into the Settings class.