Task #5937
closedFeature #5810: Implement SOLR-based search
The solr indexes of the data file contains obsoleted ids for the resourcemap and documentBy element after updating a data package
I used a morpho to insert a data package which includes the data file, eml file and resource map file to the metacat. The solr index looks good:
The eml file has the correct ids for the resourceMap and documents element. The data file has the correct ids for the resourceMap and documentBy elements.
For example the eml file has:
<arr name="resourceMap"><str>resourceMap_tao.1.1</str></arr>
<arr name="documents"><str>tao.2.1</str></arr>
the data file has:
<arr name="resourceMap"><str>resourceMap_tao.1.1</str></arr>
<arr name="isDocumentedBy"><str>tao.1.1</str></arr>
I modified the eml file and updated the package. So the package is resourceMap_tao.1.2, tao.1.2(eml) and tao.2.1(data file).
The eml part looks right:
<arr name="resourceMap"><str>resourceMap_tao.1.2</str></arr>
<arr name="documents"><str>tao.2.1</str></arr>
But the data file looks like:
<arr name="resourceMap"><str>resourceMap_tao.1.1</str><str>resourceMap_tao.1.2</str></arr>
<arr name="isDocumentedBy"><str>tao.1.1</str><str>tao.1.2</str></arr>
It has the archived ids - resourceMap_tao.1.1 and tao.1.1.
Updated by Jing Tao over 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Jing Tao
- Target version set to 2.1.0
Updated by Jing Tao over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Add code to modify the "documents", "resourceMap" and "documentedBy" element in the solr doc when archive happens.