Feature #6196
closedORE documents should be generated for new EML records from the Metacat API
Currently, if a metadata document is uploaded via the Metacat API (action=insert or action=update), it does not contain an ORE document, as that API doesn't support it's upload. Consequently, even if we manually generate ORE maps from the admin control panel, each update of an object fails to create an associated ORE map even if it existed for the prior version. Thus, the data set drops out of any searches including the 'Has data' flag.
To fix this, just as we generate SystemMetadata automatically, we should also automatically generate an ORE document for the new metadata document that links all of the referenced data files into the resource map. This will avoid the need for large batch generation of ORE documents.
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Target version changed from 2.4.0 to Unspecified
This behavior was added in v2.2.0. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6061