Bug #6339
closedFirefox 16.0.2 is getting JS errors and not loading properly
Version 16.0.2 of Firefox is not displaying almost anything correctly - there are a couple errors of "Syntax error: invalid quantifier" pointing to jQuery.js
Updated by Lauren Walker about 11 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
I've found that the embedded Javascript in the search.html template for DataCatalogView is causing this error. I suspect there is a JS character messing with the regular expression in the .html() function of jQuery (line 6067).
Updated by Lauren Walker about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Finally figured out that the minimum year and maximum year inputs were including the quotation marks inside the JS for the value attribute, which was causing an error, so I just simplified it to <%=x%> instead of printing the quotation marks via print()
And the 'invalid quantifer' error was caused by the pattern attribute on these inputs, which was interfering with the regular expression function acting on it via the .html() jQuery function. So I removed that attribute altogether since it isn't necessary.
Some other small stye changes were made to make it look better in Firefox 16.