Bug #6431
closedMorpho is frozen when it connects a Metacat running on Ubuntu 12.04
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In that method, the msg.sendPostData is called three times. If the first time fails, the second time will be tried. If the second time fails, the third time will be tried. When I debugged an issue which morpho has a connection issue with metacat, this method sometimes causes Morpho frozen - the second trying never threw an exception, just hanged there.
Of course, Morpho 2.x doesn't use the method any more. If we still continue to support morpho 1.x, we need fix the issue.
Updated by Jing Tao almost 11 years ago
- Subject changed from Sending data three time at getMetacatInputStream In class to Morpho is frozen when it connects a Metacat running on Ubuntu 12.04
- Assignee set to Jing Tao
- Target version set to 1.10.2
In the Morpho and HttpMessage classes, code that handle variables with null value and exceptions were added. Now it works. Close the bug.