Bug #653
closedxml_access control table is not conisistent to access xml documents
The access control table in ecoinfo, there are some rules which doesn't show
in xml_access file. For example, in nrs.165 (xml_access document) has only one
allow rule for owner. But in xml_access table, there are two allow rules(one
for owner, one for public). They are not consistent.
We tried to submit a new nrs datapackage from knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/nrs.
It seemed working well: only create one allow rule for onwer. So we thought
somebody add another allow rule directly into xml_access table.
Moreover, I associated some access rules to modules which didn't have access
rule because they created by old version of Morpho. This means I created some
triples which don't exist in data set documents.
We need to fix the problem.
The approaches are:
1) Automatically finding the dataset docid list which need add access triples
and the access triples they need to add.
2) Automatically adding the access triples into dataset xml documents and
resubmit it(new version)
3) Automatically find access xml docid list which is not consitent to access
table and rebuild the access_table by resubmiting the access documents.
There are two options to do that: one is by perl, the other is by java.
Updated by Jing Tao about 22 years ago
There is a new feature in morpho 1.3 that it will check if access file points
every file(inluding itself). If not, user will be asked if want to update the
package. If user sayes yes. New version of package with full access triples
will be created. So Metacat will delete all old access rules and recreate new
rules according to access file and triples in xml_access table for the
package. So this feature will resolve inconsistent problem and we don't need
to do it in server side.