Support #6838
openLTER user can't log in
marco: should still work
[4:32pm] Jing: but why the search doesn’t work?
[4:32pm] Jing: and i can’t log in it from knb web page.
[4:34pm] marco: my guess is that the connection is trying to connect to 389, which IIRC is where startTLS initiates
[4:34pm] marco: port 389 is now blocked - not my decision
[4:34pm] Jing: aha.
[4:35pm] Jing: thanks, marco
[4:35pm] marco: if necessary, 389 can be opened for a specific IP or range
[4:35pm] marco: and startTLS enabled
[4:37pm] marco: we'll work with mark schildhauer next week to figure out the disposition of LDAP
Updated by ben leinfelder over 9 years ago
Sounds like we need to follow-up with Mark Servilla about opening LDAP port to their server from KNB IP address (
Updated by Matt Jones over 9 years ago
I am dealing with James on other firewall and LDAP issues now as we transition the LTER LDAP and personnel databases to the Network Communications Office at NCEAS. James already opened the LDAP system to the NCEAS subnet, and I will request that he opens it to the DataONE and NCEAS subnets in the North Hall Data Center as well.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Target version changed from 2.5.0 to Unspecified
Looks like this is not a Metacat bug and should not delay 2.5 release.