Task #6872
open"Invite your colleagues to join DataONE" feature
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Add a feature where users can supply an email address and DataONE will send an email to that user, inviting them to login to DataONE and complete a certain task - such as join a group. The workflow would look something like:
- DataONE user is on their profile settings page and creating a group
- When they start to add members, they can enter an email address for their group member-to-be and that email address/person will receive an email that informs them they have been added to a group on DataONE.
- That person can click a link in the email to confirm they want to be in the group
This would mirror ways other apps on the web handle person grouping. It does not require the user to lookup an account before adding someone.
Updated by Lauren Walker over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.8.0 to 1.12.0
Updated by Lauren Walker over 8 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version deleted (