Story #6961
openUser interface changes to DataONE theme
This ticket is for tracking all user interface changes to the DataONE theme that may require communications materials to be updated.
Updated by Lauren Walker about 9 years ago
has been updated for version 1.10.3 to be released on the DataONE Search interface ASAP. See attached screenshot for new placement.
Updated by Lauren Walker about 9 years ago
The MetacatUI version (1.10.3) for the above ticket has been finished and will be released to production today.
Updated by Lauren Walker about 9 years ago
We are considering changing the map tile colors so that the higher the density, the darker the tile - the reverse of what we show now where the highest number tiles are the lightest value.
Amber, Heather - What do you think about this idea and how it should be implemented considering communications materials that may need updated?
Updated by Amber Budden about 9 years ago
That seems logical from a user perspective. heather - in our screencasts do we specifically talk about the relationship btn color and number or do we just point and click? The videos will need to be updated by if the latter is the case, it's less of a high priority.
Also, Lauren - we are talking a lot of screen captures for the site review. lease let me know of changes so that I can be sure to update slides.
Updated by Amber Budden about 9 years ago
Lauren - did this change request come from U&A. If not, check in with Rachel too?
Updated by Lauren Walker about 9 years ago
Amber - I'll check in with Rachel about this to check if there are any concerns.
The only change made recently to the UI is the "Copy Citation" button placement, described in the ticket linked above.
Updated by Heather Soyka about 9 years ago
We don't specifically refer to the color gradation in any of the screencasts. But the tutorial that is specifically about using map capabilities will probably need to be updated more quickly.
Updated by Lauren Walker almost 9 years ago
FYI, in the next version, 1.11.0, to be released within the next 1-2 weeks, the user menu will say "Sign out" instead of "Logout"
Updated by Lauren Walker almost 9 years ago
Big interface change: With NCEI coming on as a member node and increasing our spatial coverage, Dave, Matt, and I decided to change the map tiles so that the map underneath can be seen and read through the tiles (increase transparency). So the new design will look like the map on: I'll be updating next week with this new design. Let me know any feedback you may have.
Updated by Lauren Walker over 7 years ago
The DataONE profiles have been changed.
Here is the MetacatUI ticket detailing the changes. Primarily, the "Uploads" chart has been replaced with a simple sum of the datasets/science metadata documents in DataONE, and we added a "Latest Updates" line chart instead of an "Uploads" line chart. The reasons are detailed in the below ticket.
The "Uploads" chart is still on the Drupal site here:
This chart should probably be either:
- removed
- replaced with the total number of datasets, like at
- replaced with the Latest Updates chart, like at