



Bug #729


[475] Data loader plugins:NPS PLOTS:Fix errors in loading process

Added by Michael Lee over 22 years ago. Updated about 20 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


JH fixes


Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago

contact mike lee for the original files that were used in upload, download, and

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago

See bug 791 for the current closed list values for each field. These will
change, however. I believe this should not affect how the application works.
If this poses a problem (that the lists will change) let me know.

Actions #3

Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago

The conversion from feet into meters is now working.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago

In dealing with closed lists:
If a value does not match any values in a closed list on loading a plot into VB,
the entire plot fails. The user should be able to discover exactly which fields
caused the plot failure in the insertion receipt. At current, no attempt is
made to "figure out" what the user meant if their value doesn't match the closed
list of values. The matching process, however, must be case-insensitive!

There is an assumption by Bob and the PI's that we can have a list of TNC-Plots
attribute values and a corresponding list of VegBank values which these values
are converted to. I assume that none of this functionality is yet extant.
Perhaps Gabe and John should consider what this would involve (in time) and let
us know how feasible this is.

There is a second issue that we discussed today, that is: the field that denotes
observation contributors in TNC-Plots. The field contains multiple parties and
is not consitent in format. Therefore it is not parsable. There was some
discussion as to whether we should develop rules so that if users want their
parties used, they will follow certain standards (i.e. comma delimited firstname
lastname or some such thing). Bob has proposed that we add new parties with the
organziationName as the contents of this TNC field (which have the same length
of 100). This involves then updating parties at a later date. Michael
suggested adding this field into definedValue if we want to keep it - otherwise
forget the field. The issue has not yet been resolved.

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago

John was opposed to Bob's plan to add the contents of the observation
contributor into the organization name of a newly created party. See mIRC logs
for 12/2/02 at roughly 5:00 PM PST for the conversation.

We think it's best to dump the contents of the "Surveyors" field in TNC into a
user defined field. To do this, we will need a record in userDefined as follows:

INSERT INTO userDefined (userDefinedName, userDefinedMetaData,
userDefinedCategory, userDefinedType, tableName) SELECT "Observation Surveyors",
"Surveyors field from the PLOTS table in the TNC Database", "Not

Once this is done, we can always reference the above UserDefined_ID in the
definedValue table. Add the Observation_ID from that observation and the text
string for surveryors itself (if not null) and you're done.

Then, those that eventually might want to recitify these strings to real parties
can do so at some point in time.

Actions #6

Updated by Robert Peet about 22 years ago

At present I disagree with mike and john and think it makes much
more sense to place the generic contributors from TNC-Plots (100 char)into
party:surname (50 char) or party:organization (100 char) - if the former, we
need to expand to 100 char. I am willing to discuss this as I may not
understand the issues. Meanwhile, a name is a name, so why not just place the
contributors in the name list. If a name gets reassigned later to a better
name, we can use the party:currentname field.

Actions #7

Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago

Code for inserting observationContributers to the database has been added to cvs.

Actions #8

Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago

This is fixed excluding the validation aspect see bug 928.

Actions #9

Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago

changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.

Actions #10

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 729


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