Bug #985
closedMiscelaneous EcoArt Questions
This is a bucket for issues relating to the EcoArt data.
In the alliance description field, there is some special syntax around
scientific names "~Scientific Name/$" ... do we store as is. What about
presentation? Should these characters be mapped into quotes or italize the text
between the special characters ???
e.g. This alliance includes planted stands of ~Pinus virginiana\$ with little
.... etc.
CAVE and COMPLEX rows for all the community levels exist. They are being
incorrectly handled by the code right now and no specifications exist as to how
to handle them correctly.
Related issues
Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago
- Bug 986 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago
The commconcept.commdescription field is 5000 chars long and it is being
populated by an Access Memo field ( < 64,000 char ) ....
only a tiny percentage of fields are giving trouble so I am unsure of what to do
a) Increase this field until we have no errors.
b) Increase this field up to the access max.
c) Truncate the field at some appropriate lenght.
d) a) and c)
The easiest is 'b)' but I am uncomfortable with this for some unknown reason.
Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago
regarding comment #2, we should probably just make the field a "text" field,
like these, rather than a varchar field. This makes it an unlimited length
character string in PostGreSQL, whereas Access can handle ~2Million if entered
programatically, I think. So I think we're OK on both sides as far as length
commClass.classNotes text,
commInterpretation.notes text,
coverIndex.indexDescription text,
disturbanceObs.disturbanceComment text,
Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago
Updated by Michael Lee over 20 years ago
This is here so that we know to deal with <i> and </i> in incoming natureserve
data. Leaving these alone will NOT result in italizing text in our display, at
least not without some alterations to our displaying features.
Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago
EcoArt is fine the way it is. We'll try to match new comms to current ones when
NatureServe gets their data to us.
Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago
changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.