



From 07/22/2001 to 08/20/2001


09:47 AM Bug #266 (Resolved): revise attribute domain
attribute metadata describes the domain for the attributes using enumerated and
range domains, but does not currentl...
Matt Jones
09:44 AM Bug #265 (Resolved): taxonomic coverage limited to one kingdom
Tim Bergsma reported this issue:
1. Taxonomic coverage. I noticed that only a single instance of
uppermost rank...
Matt Jones


05:39 PM Bug #264 (Resolved): add distribution info to eml-resource
Need to add distribution info (url, medium) to eml-resource to accomodate the
type of stand-alone data registry envi...
Matt Jones


01:43 AM Bug #176: research protocol, qa/qc
Workshop revisions have been completed. Matt Jones
01:43 AM Bug #140: Revise eml-access module
Workshop revisions have been completed. Matt Jones
01:42 AM Bug #174: attribute, constraint, entity, distribution
Need to resolve redundancy between eml-physical and eml-distribution. Possibly
eliminate eml-distribution and fold t...
Matt Jones

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