From 07/12/2000 to 08/10/2000
- 04:30 PM Revision 340 (metacat): changed paths
- 03:39 PM Revision 339 (metacat): changed getRootNode method from public to private
- 03:34 PM Revision 338 (metacat): simple JavaScript to put focus on username field
- 02:48 PM Revision 337 (metacat): replaced some deprecated methods with the new v2.2 of Java Servlet API
- 02:47 PM Revision 336 (metacat): changed paths, b' of new dev server
- 01:45 PM Revision 335 (metacat): no message
- 12:13 PM Revision 334 (metacat): changing paths, b' of new dev environment
- 11:59 AM Revision 333 (metacat): added HTTPSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1)
- for every new Session - never to expire
- 11:56 AM Revision 332 (metacat): added "anonymous" user connection
- 05:40 PM Revision 330 (metacat): added web.xml configuration file for Tomcat Servlet engine
- 05:39 PM Revision 329 (metacat): -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new install process for the new
- linux server ( Added "" shell script that
calls ant withthe proper umask set for install...
- 05:31 PM Revision 328 (metacat): rearrange html pages for login and metacat access
- 02:44 PM Revision 327 (metacat): renamed index.html to metacat.html
- 02:43 PM Revision 326 (metacat): unused
- 11:55 AM Revision 325 (metacat): it was smashed to 95 bytes only
- 11:24 AM Revision 324 (metacat): removed old xmldbms source tree because it is no longer being used as a reference
- 08:13 AM Revision 323 (metacat): no message
- 05:51 PM Revision 322 (metacat): moved srbProps file
- 04:43 PM Revision 321 (metacat): maximumConnections added
- 04:34 PM Revision 320 (metacat): more precise handling of the Connection Pool
- 01:54 PM Revision 319 (metacat): minor config file update
- 08:32 AM Revision 318 (metacat): no message
- 04:21 PM Revision 317 (metacat): doctype and docid attr added to xml_index table
- 04:20 PM Revision 316 (metacat): Changes related to "getdataguide" action
- 04:19 PM Revision 315 (metacat): doctype attr in xml_index table has been added
- so changed the getDataGuide routine to select for paths by given doctype
- 04:17 PM Revision 314 (metacat): DBSAXNode constructor simplified
- 04:17 PM Revision 313 (metacat): Call to DBSAXNode constructor simplified
- 04:15 PM Revision 312 (metacat): Added public method to return the rootnodeid of the document
- 01:08 PM Revision 310 (metacat): no message
- 11:26 AM Revision 309 (metacat): added Pool of Connections
- DBQuery, DBReader, DBTransform, DBUtil are created on every request and use the connections from the Pool
same with D... - 11:22 AM Revision 308 (metacat): added "initialConnections", "incrementConnection" options used for the Pool of Connections
- 03:05 PM Revision 307 (metacat): no message
- 01:05 PM Revision 306 (metacat): no message
- 12:00 PM Revision 305 (metacat): changed marine line
- 12:00 PM Revision 304 (metacat): no message
- 11:30 AM Revision 303 (metacat): changed build documentation
- 04:12 PM Revision 302 (metacat): Added "getdoctypes" and "getdataguide" action handlers
- 04:08 PM Revision 301 (metacat): utility class for reading various of data from db
- 03:05 PM Revision 300 (metacat): added MARINE installation instructions
- 10:14 AM Revision 299 (metacat): Copies to replace corrupted class files
- 03:26 PM Revision 298 (metacat): no message
- 01:48 PM Revision 297 (metacat): Added "Login Client" action for login from the Desktop Client
- 01:40 PM Revision 296 (metacat): no message
- 08:28 AM Revision 295 (metacat): Added marine files to metacat package
- 11:40 AM Revision 294 (metacat): no message
- 07:04 PM Revision 281 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 06:48 PM Revision 280 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:48 PM Revision 279 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:31 PM Revision 278 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:02 PM Revision 277 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 01:48 PM Revision 276 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 11:22 AM Revision 275 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 11:21 AM Revision 274 (metacat): no message
- 11:17 AM Revision 273 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
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